University of Nottingham in Semenyih is surrounded by oil palm estate, the big lake is the trade mark of uni of nott. By the way, the picture is not an updated picture.
And the nottingham's ducks, they are almost like the famous stars in the campus, students in the campus seemed very interested in the number of ducks we have in the lake. It was 7 ducks initially when I first came to the university, and as time passed, the number has gradually increased and now its more than 15 already!!!
I've been enjoying these 2 years spending time with my friends, especially my housemate Diana Song, Pek San, Chien Hui and Yoke Kim who have been so nice to me. Million of thanks to you guys for everything that you've done for me. Thanks for bearing with me for anything that I've done which might have made you behsong...Diana Beh Song...wuahaha
Okla, I donno what else I want to say, I'll try to be a good blogger who keep updating the blog always, not only that, but write some interesting stuffs which would attract your interest. I'll try my very best la k, please continue to be my reader if I dont bore you to death....hahah
wait wait, did i say I'm going to uk?!! yes yes, its real! I will be going to Nottingham on the 22nd of July, to continue my 3rd and 4th year of studies there. In case you've forgotten, I'm studying Pharmacy now...Hopefully after finally year, I will be able to get pre-registration training in the UK, so then I will be able to register as a Pharmacist!!! I'm so looking forward to my life in the UK...I wonder how would it be...and I'm so looking forward to meet my friend Xin Yun in Ireland after my summer placement!
Hey siu~! Let me be the first one comment on ur blog ^^
Hmm.. i was looking for my name in the blog, but.. but.. *sob sob*
(I think you should mention my name as ur future roommate in UK in ur last paragraph lolz.. Perasan-nya)
Lol, going to leave The University of Nottingham liao only introduce it in ur blog kah? I thought this suppose to be the 1st blog when u enter this campus? Anyway, forgive u on not having internet in 23 Bandar Sunway Semenyih!
Happy Blogging~
Happy Summer~
Happy Doing Placement in UK~
Taa Daa!
yo tan dee sin!! since u have requested, i'll definitely write a blog that will mention ur name big big n loud loud one, haha...looking forward to ur name appears in my blog yea. Thx for de bday wish, n not forgetting to thx you for lending me ur wireless internet in ur house 22 bandar sunway semenyih!! without u, life meaningless...ahaa...said til so serious
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