Wednesday 31 December 2008

Everything in 2008

ohkay i set a target to myself that i must write at least a post every month, im getting dragged on time managing as nowadays even there's no need to attend classes during the study break but the whole big stacks of notes and books have just filled up the so called "study break", isnt it should be a break from study, hmmm...why am i doing so much of studies during this break, jelaka~~~ i realised that at this time in Malaysia, i should be hanging out with friends at some new year's eve countdown event, its so pathetic that I'm hanging out with my headache-causing medicinal chemistry's past year papers now...i dont want la! well...think it the other way, its just a tough period that you cant avoid and you must try your very best to go through this time as the more effort you've instillled, the more in return you'll be rewarded in the future. As Likzai has always said :"no pain no gain" yea i strongly agree with you but i just dont have the urge to follow this principle now, am i getting lazier? yes i think i do...any cure? NO, you yourself is the only one that can save yourself, its a matter of whether you want to do it or not, rite? here i would like to thank my roommate for being a good motivator to me as whenever i see her rajin-ness, i feel ashamed of myself and started drilling my big head into de pool of notes, oh yeah motivation is so important at this period of time.

Come on...crap crap crap here, i think i'm more willing to spend time on blogging than studying now, more willing to do house work than studying, more eagly to work than study now! i know you will say i should not be thinking this way as i stil have 2 more years (eh nono, jus one and a half years) to strive through, you've plenty of time to work after that...hmmm...yea maybe i just feel like doing something else other than studying, anything else will do as long as it doesnt involve handouts books pens and so sick of those stuffs! they've been dreaded my life for 2 weeks plus and i've to face them for another 2 weeks (oh well,one week plus...)just doesnt make any difference as i hate them alot now!!! i said NOW...i know i'll have to force myself to fall in love with them again the next moment i finish posting this bloggy.

Lets back to the point of this post, im going to leave my personal comments on how i see every special things happened in 2008. Firstly, i've to say coming to the UK is the biggest event happened this year, as I've always thought that studying overseas is a dream to me and now that I've achieved it, all thanks to my family who kept on supporting me in whatever way they can, either mentally or financially, they've been such a great family and without them, I'm not at where I'm now. All i want to do now is to make my every effort to reward them back, i wanna make some proud achievements in my future pharamcist career and make everyone's life better! (LOL why do i sound so great) i just simply wanna show how much i love my family ( i know i'm not good in showing my feeling), and i promise i will make you guys proud and be sure that for what you're instilling on me now, it worths for a better future, I promise you!

This was taken on the last CNY, it's what deep in my heart that i've never said to my family, i'm sorry for not able to re-union in the coming CNY, anyway please keep my angpaos safe, hahah

For those who have heard of story about QQ, i'm so sad to tell you that the battle between us and the drug addict has over and QQ has been jailed by him using every single rude action that he could think of to pull us and QQ apart, QQ will not be able to re-union with us anymore, will he? T_T well, i feel like crying whenever i think of QQ, revising his pictures each time i miss him, it further adds on my craving for him, i miss him very badly actually, i think i'll need a long period of time to settle down the feeling of loosing QQ, QQ QQ QQ i want you back!!!

ehem *clear throat and reabsorption of tears* okay back to the topic, it'll be kinda stressful if you make studying in the UK sounds like a mission ( i admit i'm partially on a mission now, to get a professional degree), ahhaha actually there are many other things that we've or will be experienced during the period of pursueing studies in the UK, not only those thing that you can learn in the University but also other interesting stuffs out of the text book. Travelling is a good example to make your study life more exciting, so far I've been to Birmingham, Bath, Stonehenge, and IRELAND!!! hmm not as many as other friends who have been joining travel society's trip every time when there were trips organised, not as many as YUN who has almost finished exploring Europe within 2 and half years, but I feel that my life has been pretty enriched with tours, i guess travelling to 4 places in 5 months is not the normal amount of trip that i would usually do back in Malaysia. Huh, actually not bad huh! I swear to mayself that i would travel more often whenever i'm able to, in terms of finance, i dont feel like using family's hard-earn money to spend it on something which i'm the only one who enjoy it but not with them together, thus i would want to work (in fact, i'm very thrist of finding a part time job) to earn extra pounds to support many other things that i want to do. Everyone out there, job for me?

LOL...i dont know what to say now as i think my nerves and neurons are stored with those nutrition, advanced drug delivery and medicinal chemistry's stuffs (honestly, i've not started molecular pharmacology yet!), my brain is running low of RAM to think of something. Oh yea suddenly feel like thanking my dearest boss/friend in co-op selston, Gimms for sending me the company's xmas card, haha appreciated alot that you still remember me at this greeting season (at this busy moment in the pharmacy as people thought the chemist will be closed for 6 months for xmas, its so laughable!), you said there might be snowing during xmas day but there wasnt! abit sad and disappointed but what to do, we cant predict the weather just like we cant predict exam's questions (LOL i guess im having exam-phobia now)

Next i want to thank that person who has been such a great someone-to-talk-to all these years, eventhough there is nothing we can do now but lets wait til the day we meet, we've proved that distance is not a barrier, stay strong and grow stronger k?

collection of memories for all that we've been through...hope you'll like it when you see it ^.^

and this new song from Leehom's latest album - Everything, specially dedicated to that special one in my heart on this special day, the begin of every great things...


故事里的 起承转合 有一些忘记
原来波折 才暗示着 该走的方向
就算别人都说 我们没什么出息
Cause You're My Everything
就一个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起

辽阔天际 巧合相遇 有多少机率
多少烟火 坠落无痕迹
因为幸福 没有捷径 难免要绕道
就算别人都说 我们没什么出息
就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义

Cause You're My Everything
就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
不管用多少个明天 永远从此刻开始算起
就如这个原因 我会永远记住这种感觉
只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义

For everything great things happened in 2008, thanks to my beloved mum, dad, hui, len, ching, next come likzai (who turns into zainan recently) and then those close friends, love you guys forever! you've made my 2008 so wonderfully unforgettable ^.^

Thursday 20 November 2008


In memory of my dear auntie who was called back by her Lord to the heavenly heaven on the 11th of November 2008, the article was written by an author whom has a close relationship with her and its dedicated to everyone for the memorance of her being the strongest person to fight with the illness and the ending of her suffers. She is now blessing everyone up there...turning into one of the stars, shining and blinking on us in the dark as if she is smiling to us and says: "I'm fine here!"

This article reminds me of how important HEALTH is to an individual, please love your body!




阿珍日记 2008年 2月


阿珍日记 2008年 4月

我被吓了一跳。它里面会是什么东西?难道它也像我妈从前肚子里的那一种<东西>吗?那是一粒生长在子宫内的<肉瘤>。妈妈因害怕开刀还带着那粒大瘤生活了好几年。后来开了刀,割了瘤,妈妈依然健健康康的活到今天。我想,不会有事的。我去给医生看看就是了。方哥陪我去医院做了超音波扫描检验( Ultra-Sound ) 及X-光照射图。检验显示我右边的卵巢颈旁长了一粒像青椰子般大的<肿瘤>!医生马上建议我验血做癌细胞指数测试(Cancer Cell Marker Test)及做全身核磁共振摄影( CT-Scan) 。结果显示:我的癌细胞指数偏高。我的全身核磁共振图显现我的肝脏也有细微的小白点。医生说那是属于一种轻微的损伤,较后再处理不迟。庆幸的是,身上其他器官完好无损。虽然我的癌细胞指数偏高,但是医生还不能向我说明那就是来自卵巢瘤里的病变。他们必须对那粒肉瘤进行病理化验才能具体证实。在这个期间,我才知道事态严重。我与方哥马上拜访了城里一个有名的中医。中医说,我的肿瘤太大了,直径达11公分,必须先割除后才能用中药调理。方哥为我接洽了住院开刀的时间与手续。由于清明节快到了,我必须先回乡拜祭父亲与哥哥,就把开刀的日期排在清明之后。清明前的晚上,我与方哥从吉隆坡坐了6小时的车回老家。第二天一早就赶往扫墓。我在墓地上锄了1小时的草,把四周打扫干净。祭拜完毕回到家,我竟然累得席地而睡,非常反常。我平日身体无痒无痛,工作日以继夜从不言累。我才49岁,身体健壮,现在只锄锄草,竟然会累成这样。这会不会是肚内的<肿瘤>在作怪?

阿珍日记 2008年 5月 3日

明天,我就要进院割除肿瘤了。我很乐观,因为我的妈妈也做过这样的手术。她现在人好好的,还吃得胖胖的。 我会住院4天。我的姐姐会来照顾我。今天的晚餐,我亲自下厨。虽然明天就要开刀了,但是我感觉身体无碍,不痛也不痒,我自然以对,没有害怕的感觉。

阿珍日记 2008年 5月 4日

一早来到医院,护士马上安排我验血、宽衣、消毒局部、打麻醉剂。时为午间2点。当一剂麻醉药从我腰间的脊椎骨打入时,真是叫我痛得呼天抢地。我拼出吃奶力紧抓住面前的铁床栏杆,试图不叫出声音。渐渐地,我失去了知觉。 醒来时,已是下午6点。我下体的肿瘤与子宫已被切除了,留下一条蜈蚣的足迹。一切还好。四天后,我就可以出院了。

阿珍日记 2008年 5月 8日


+医院病理部化验报告+ 2008年 5月8日

经过开刀割除<卵巢肿瘤>后化验的结果,名为阿珍的病人已证实是得到<第一期>的<卵巢癌>。病人肚内的肿瘤体积为11 X 8 X 6公分,大部分的外层组织为软性的纤维体,但是中间却见一小部分的硬实体。这小部分的硬体就是癌细胞组织。它原本是<良性>的,但在发现时已开始长大并转变为<恶性>。



阿珍日记 2008年 6月


阿珍日记 2008年 7月


阿珍日记 2008年 8月 11日


+核磁共振摄影报告+ 2008年 8月 11日

报告显示:病人直肠处出现了一粒体积6 X 5 X 6公分的肿瘤。它导致排便肠道变窄。


方哥日记 2008年 8月11日

天啊!为何是这样?这个噩耗来得太出乎人意料之外了!恶性肿瘤竟然可以在一个月之内着床?而且成长的速度惊人!这3个月来,阿珍的伤口快复原了,但元气却恢复的很慢。她的胃口与食欲逐渐减退,身体也渐渐地消瘦。难道说这些天来,隐藏着的癌细胞已经在慢慢的腐蚀着她的生理机能?难道说那些还未现形的癌细胞已在忙着吸取她身上所有的养料?我暂时不能告诉她这个噩耗,以免让她丧失求生的斗志。医生安排6次<化疗>( Chemotherapy ),每3个星期一次。

方哥日记 2008年 9月 16日

2次化疗期间,阿珍承受了许多痛苦的后果。她容易发烧、呕吐,头发也开始掉落。然而,直肠内的肿瘤并没有明显的缩小。经医生建议,决定采用电疗(radiotherapy ) 以放射线治疗方式直接杀灭直肠内的肿瘤。医生安排10次电疗。每天一次。

方哥日记 2008年 9月 24日


方哥日记 2008年 10月15日

在这段非常与紧急时期,为了要让阿珍配合其他治疗,我不得不向阿珍透露她真正的病情。阿珍很平静的接受这最坏的消息,没有半点激动的情绪。我想她早已有心里准备。阿珍知道自己的病情后,终于接受寻求额外的民间治疗。我带她寻访了几个中医与癌症痊愈病人,开始吃中药;也喝抗癌的青草汁如-木瓜叶、红毛榴连叶。然而,很不幸的,两次的化疗过后,阿珍的肝脏并没有好转的迹象,反而恶化。她的肝脏开始肿胀与疼痛。医生不得不配给减痛剂-麻啡 (MOFFEINE) 以减少病人的痛苦。此时,阿珍停止做化疗,既是说,这阶段的治疗已接近尾声。医生说病人已病入膏肓,再也没有痊愈的机会了,有的,也只是延长生命的钟点吧了。医生要我为阿珍签下<医疗切割书>。这是要证明医院与医生已经尽了最大的努力与人事。

方哥日记 2008年 11月 7日


方哥日记 2008年 11月 8日


阿伦日记 2008年 11月 10日 午间2时

今天早上,阿珍开始表现异常。她的脸色渐渐苍白。她的眼神开始呆滞。她说话开始语焉不详。她的意识开始模糊。但她仍依稀记得谁人的模样。阿珍的呼吸像出自一条阻塞的气管,发出很大的音响。她呼吸的节奏开始加快,像上气不接下气的样子。几个星期不见,阿珍的脸盘与体型突然变了一个模样。以往骨瘦如柴,皮包骨的她忽然膨胀似的胖了起来。她的肚子发涨的犹如九月初九九皇爷摊口卖的大面龟,高高的拱了上来。原来,那是肝脏肿胀与下垂所导致,再加上内积水的关系,阿珍的四肢也连带发涨坚硬。我发现阿珍的口腔带血,只见血水不断涌现。不知癌细胞是不是已游移到了阿珍的头部与全身,她不断的抓头皮与摆动四肢,像一只热锅上的蚂蚁。 阿珍的妈妈在一旁老泪纵横,她一直嚷着要乘阿珍还有呼吸时送她回双礼佛老家,以免迟了进门。她询问阿珍的意思,阿珍迷迷糊糊的说:护士叫她留下来医治。阿珍到最后一刻还要在医院做治疗。不过,在她妈妈不断的追问下,她终于做了一个迷糊也含糊的回:Cinchailah。。。。



阿伦日记 2008年 11月 10日 入夜9点

阿珍只剩下几小时的生命!生命竟然到了用小时来计算,真是太可怕了。我还一直以为我们有很长的生命可以挥霍。想不到阿珍的生命这么快就来到了尽头。当救伤车的医药人员把已经静止活动的阿珍用绳子绑在救伤推椅上时,我忽然想到了粽子。棕子内的糯米已经没有自由与伸展的空间了。它们只能在被囹圄中发涨与挣扎。救伤车像一只穿着白衣的追魂鬼,一冲出马路就从头上喷出红色的血光,依哦依哦开山劈道,充分的展现了它的追命精神。然而,尽管追魂车开得有如喷射机,那已经没有阿珍的事了。她现在最后的一项工作就是不停的呼吸,不停的呼吸。只要她能保持呼吸到家,她就是胜利了。10点38分。救伤车抵达霹雳毛边。我发现阿珍开始拉长她的呼吸时间。我感觉到她的心脏的操作开始缓慢。我发现她的呼吸必须用劲,以至舌头也跟着一呼一吸。我发现她紧闭的双眼忽然在此刻微微半张,但是,她的眼珠已经凝固在焦点之外。我渴望她能回光返照,对我说些什么。我只能不停的对她说:阿珍,快到家了,快到家了,你妈妈在门口等着你了。你不要再睡了,不要再睡了。。。 医药人员的急救功亏一篑。多少氧气也唤不回即将停止的心脏。





死神日记 2008年 11月10日




至于阿珍魂魄,由于她的手艺了得,我已引领她走向另一段新的旅程。她很好,新年过后,她就会在我的老板-阎罗王开的cake house上班,你们放心。。。。

Saturday 18 October 2008

Meal deals

*yawn* I really hardly find anything to talk about recently, there's been nothing special happened in my life, uni has jus nonono, its going into the 5th weeks!!! OMG >_< time flies in a blink of an eye! and yea, it was like a blow of autumn's wind, seems that there were alot of events going on and life's been filled with lectures and lectures and more lectures...but I don't feel like I've done much things, nothing was left after the blow of autumn's wind probably because I've been dreaming all these while, I guess I'm getting less interest in studying/ motivational deficiency disorders (I need Strivor to boost up my life!). Actually, all in my mind now is to earn POUNDS and more POUNDS, after I realised how valuable a pound is (and after I've received all my pay from Co-op and Boots, the excitement of earning pounds just simply overwhelmed me!) $_$

Most of my time now has been spent at Biology Building B3, Math & Physics B1, Medical School LT1, LT4, LT3, C50, Pope Building C14, C16, Coates Auditorium A150...oh unbelievable, I'm now managed to type out all the lecture venues without looking at the time table (a typical angmor's reply: Brilliant! Lovely! Excellent!)It was initially seemed to be a long journey to walk to classes everyday early in the morning, but now I've already got use to the 20 mins walking from Broadgate Park to the lecture halls, it's everyday's routine...its dull...its depressing sometimes...with bad weather...with strong wind...with sleepy eyes...without excitement, I'm getting of last time, I used to speak whatever I want to say in my mind, I used to give silly comments about any possible things flink through my thought, I used to tell jokes that I would get a good response from the fellow friends...haihz...I don't know what happen to me, I'm changing, in terms of personalities. I feel like I'm not the one that I knew last time...

All right, all right I'm all right, just a little bit of complaint about myself for my lousy performance all these days in the uni. PEOPLE, please allow me some time to incorporate myself properly into this new environment.

Aww...I think I'm abit out of the topic now, let's get back to the point! Oh yea, just want to show everyone some pictures of the moments that I've always been craving for, they can possibly be ranked as the best moments of everyday's life, I'm always mentally and physically excited when these moments have come...and there are...

my 1st own cooked dinner in BGP! Steamed salmon and Blunched broccoli

Another amazing dinner time with Curry Chickens and Spain Sprouts + mushrooms!

OH My goodness! Bak Kut Teh, my next bowl of BKT will be in December when my parcel comes in...such a long time to wait

Aww...this is absolutely awesome! I couldn't believe that I made Tu Kah Choh!

Look at this, its my lunch pack! don't be silly, this portion is abnormal! I'm getting better in my appetite >_<

A day of western meals, Jacket potatoes, Black Pepper Pork Steaks, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Scrambled Eggs.

again, chinese cook and the recipe of the day is Ginger Onion Pork!

The ABC soup made me miss mum's soup so badly because it tasted just like mum's cooking

Isn't this set of meal looks great, 1 fish 1 meat 1 vege, so healthy and pretty!

AHAHAHA, this is definitely not made by me. If you've ever stayed in the catered hall during welcome week probably you'll know where is this from. I'm kinda miss the foods served by the hall, eventhou it was abit lack of variety in their menus but it's quite delicious...probably I wont be having the same thought if I'm eating it for long term...hehehe

Oh yeah, would like to take this opportunity to thank my roomate Dee Sin Tan for making every dinner a success, ahaha! yea, we've been well trained back in sunway semenyih, cooking is just easy peasy for us right ^_^

Also, thanks for being my roommate, you are the best roommie that I've ever had! (erm...I've never shared room with anyone before, bluek) So yea, let's keep it up our chef's spirit and come out with more and more high standards meals in the future!

Sunday 28 September 2008

Awesome Ireland!

Sorry I've been away from my blog for such a long time, I'm cutting down my blogging frequency from at least two a month to just one a month, as you know, uni has just started and I don't think I'll be having much free time on this anymore...the nightmare is starting soon...GOD BLESS ME

okay, as I've promised. I'll be talking about my trip to Ireland in this post. It was a really great time spending with my best friend -XinYun who has been such a wonderful tour guide thoughout the trip, she brought us around Ireland, not only Dublin but also Northern and South Ireland! Eventhou its just a one week trip but we have made used of every little moment to look for fun, haha...thanks XinYun for doing the well planning...I hope I can visit you again before you go back to Malaysia, thats very soon...early next year right. It sounds abit hard for me to see you again in Ireland or somewhere in Europe, anyway...we will try, arent we?

The trip can be separated into three parts which are Dublin, Northern Ireland and South Ireland. Dublin is the temporary home of XinYun for 2 and a half years, her college is really close to the city, no no no...I should say its inside the city, just a couple minutes of walk to all the shopping streets and tourist spots. Dublin is a vibrant city, and I bet you don't know about the birth of Guinness Stout is actually from Dublin! yea, thats true...the guinness that you find everywhere in the world is from Dublin!!! and yes...I've got my first taste of Guinness in the Temple Bar which is the oldest bar in Dublin. It was not as nice as expected but at least I've tried Guinness at the place of its origin, hahaha...nothing to be proud of. The traditional Irish cuisine was also the highlight in Dublin., eventhou the Irish Stew and Smoked Salmon is a little bit pricey but I think it worth the money to have a try, its really yummy thou.

Drunk siu after drinking Guinnessssss
Irish stew and Smoked Salmon!!!drooling...
Xin Yun's medical college located in the city centre

Tell you what...Giant Causeway is a place you definitely don't wanna miss if you've ever thought of visiting Ireland. Its listed in the world heritage and its really really as giant as its name...I'm really impressed by the spectacular view...imagine all the stones in hexagonal shaped are all come from the nature, and they are in abundance not one or two!!! Its really lots of nice pictures have been taken there and I'm still craving for more nice pictures after coming back to Nottingham because XinYun didnt transfer the complete album to me...gonna wait til the next time we meet which its a date not known >_< style="text-align: center;">Carrick-A-Rede the hanging bridge

Giant Causeway a must go!
Belfast in the Northern Ireland is belonged to the United Kingdom

The last part of the trip we headed to the Cork in the South Ireland, it is a place more or less like a lovely little small town. We kissed the Blarney stones at the Blarney Castle which belieave to bring us the power of "whats that word again"? Its actually to improve your speeching skills...the Ring of Kerry was a trip sitting on the bus most of the time, and looking out of the bus for some scenery, the view wasn't as nice probably because of the bad weather, its cloudy and drizzling during almost the whole journey of the Ring...the most memorable part of the ring's journey was the stay at the BRUE hostel which was really not bad and most importantly its clean and tidy. I strongly recommend backpackers to spend their night there as the rent are reasonably cheap and breakfast are served every morning, there are cereal and bread and jams...which is good enough for a boost of the day. What was even more exciting me was that I've got to watched the first episode of Prison Break in the TV room, so coincident that it was the premier show at that time, the plan to hang out at night for a cup of Irish Coffee was terminated by Michael Scoffield (the name of Wentworth Miller in P.B.) hahaha...the night was fulled of excitement!

somewhere in the middle of Ring of Kerry
WAOOO, we were too excited seeing the Blarney Castle
Drinking the Irish Coffee instilled with first and last for sure

Overall, I've only one word to describe for this trip, its EXCITING! Because of this trip, I've learnt alot of Irish culture, things like Shamrock and Leprichaun are the elements that you can find everywhere in the ireland. Shamrock which is a three leave clover believe to bring luck and faith, and Leprichaun which is one of the legendary character in the Irish's tale, its believed that if he would one day appear in front of you and tell you that there's A POT of GOLD under the tree, it is definitely a lie. Leprichaun isn't someone stay away from him.

That's all for today, I'm getting lazier to blog, how to cure this disease? Can someone prescribe me some medicines? PLZZZZZZZZZ

Saturday 16 August 2008

nice people everywhere

what im going to share now is about a few nice people that i've met in the UK in just the 1st four weeks since i arrived here. its really grateful to have met them and received their helps and cares in this new environment. They just made me feel warm!

The first person that i wanna talk about is my boss in my pharmacy, OMG...he is the kindest boss that i've ever met. im wondering is it because of us being the same race (he is a BBC) and thats why he takes extra cares of me? but no matter what, its a fact that he is a very good example to be learnt from, his professionality in his pharmacy career, his bussiness-mind as a branch manager and his attitude in doing everything...he is so close to perfect but haha...nobody in this world is perfect! well, i sincerely appreciated that he allows me to go to the pharmacy late and go home earlier just to match my time with the bus schedule (and if you dont know, the co-operative pharmacy in selston is about 1 hour bus ride from the city! its a superly remote place), im really touched of what he has agreed. Because of his special allowance, i've got to work less hours but getting the same paid, what a good deal rite! also because of that, i even get home earlier than Christine who is working at Wollaton which is only about half an hour walk distance from our house in Dunkirk, that kinda makes me proud of the branch that i've gotten eventhou its so far away, haha. boss is a really nice tutor because he is so so knowledgable and smart. I've got this summer placement workbook to be completed and he guides me alot in doing it and always inspiring me in whatever pharmacy-related issues. One thing im not quite get use to is that he always emphasise the importance of Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P) and that makes me feel really stress while working with him. maybe thats the way he likes to stay with, thats how he has made til the person he is today...*respecting by bowing* other than his professionality in the pharmacy, he is also very good in promoting chinese restaurants and groceries shops in Notts (lol, does this count too) im really appreciated for all the nice places he has recommended and i'll definitely pay a visit when im free, i can probably do it this week since im having a one week break and next week im going to visit XINYUN in IRELAND!!! OMG...cant wait to see her!

the one hour journey to selston, passing by a huge farm land where u can see cows n sheeps
the co-operative pharmacy is just next to the Selston Surgery, doing lots of POM
My dearest colleagues Dawn to my right and Andrea to my left
take a closer look of my badge, see de strange thing? thx Gimms for de special allowance!
My boss aka the branch manager, the one who always follow the rules except the last day, haha
me in my formal working attire, transitting at Nott's city
me in my "cute" working attire says christine

okay, u can check more of my working pictures in facebook. and now im going to talk about the 2nd nice person, nono...probably de 2nd nice gang of people, they come in a group, aha. u must be wondering who am i saying...well, they are the bus drivers! Rainbow 5 and Rainbow 1 are the buses that i took to get to my work place, and because Selston is out of the boundary of the multiple ride access card, i had no choice but to buy FRio which gives me 3 free trips when i buy 10 trips at a time. so the good thing was, i didnt actually get to finish using all my trips in the bus tickets because of all these super duple nice bus drivers who purposely didnt want to punch a whole on my ticket and just let me onboard the bus. They wud either blink their eyes or give me a warm smile to show that they are being kind to me...well, i sincerely and truly appreciated their kindness....i hope i didnt cause any trouble to them with their company after that.

SS pic on de bus, u cant do anyting on de long journey bus except doing stupid thing like this
another ss pic, ss= siusien/shiok sendiri

yea, probably the nice person that im going to talk about now is not the last nice person that i've met but dont you be surprised that there are really lots of nice ppl in the UK! there is this saying in mandarin 出门遇贵人, and now i totally understand its meaning. Just two days ago, me and christine went to Birmingham to visit my neighbour back in Penang, our house are just few units away. They are Susan and Peter whom i seldom met in Penang, one of the reason is that most of the time i was in kl the semenyih kampung and the other reason is that they are staying in Cotsall, Wolverhampton most of the time. Out of our expectation, we have received a super V.I.P treatment from them, we were too surprised with all the care that overwhelmed us for that 2 days, it was a fabulous trip for me! They brought us around Birmingham City (i just found out that Birmingham is the 2nd largest city in the UK), not only that but also a few nice old villages around Birmingham one of which the history is more than 500 years old, with the name of Bridgnorth, and the other village named Lichfield where the spectacular Cathedral is. i must mention here that Peter is definitely a good cook, he made a really yummy wantan mee for everyone and we have a family dinner with his son Josh and Chris. Its been glad to know them and especially the friendliness of them and the feeling of warm as if im back to my home! Besides that, we were being treated with delicious DIMSUM in a pretty elegant chincese restaurant in the chinese town, we even have our 1st fish n chips in the uk for our dinner, it was a really memorable one! wat was even more surprising me is that, Susan gave me lots of her winter clothes and Peter kept giving me his cooking paste and flavouring powder and also some cooking utensils like wok, pressure cooker and rice cooker....OMG, he even wanted to give me his TV but luckily i rejected it. Josh just made a joke that his dad would even give the car to me and the whole house will eventually belong to me, thats really laughable, LOL. well, I'vent finished praising their kindness, they even fetched us back to Notts and visited our university and treated us ice creames which me and christine have been craving it for so long. It was such a wonderful time being with them. I have gained lots of knowledge from them too,things like how to use ebay and do online planning to learn further about it and find a way of earning $$ online! its really tempting me for now when i really need cash $_$ how nice if you can earn money by just sitting infront of the computer, isnt it easy money?!
the selfridges in Birmingham city, one of the newest shopping paradise
the canal which can lead you to London or Manchester by boat! how nice if we sail it one day
the historical english village Bridgnorth as old as 500 years
this house was built in 1580 and stil standing firm, nice pattern of the house created by the wood

the old railway station in Bridgnorth, like those we can only find in de 15th century english movie
cooking fun in Peter's well-equipped kitchen, the birth of the highly recommended wantan mee!
the spectacular Cathedral in Lichfield, looks really gigantic and holiness

the wedding gharry rides the bride and groom to the church for a happy ending love story
the muzium of the Samuel Johnson who was the creator of the English Dictionary, now you know who has caused most students to buy it compulsory.

Peter and Susan's home sweet home, the warm living room with a warm cup of wooloong tea, wat a simple but heavenly leisure.

well, thats all for now. cant finish uploading all of the photos, you can find the rest in facebook, as usual. haha ^_^ i guess my next blog will probably be talking about my trip to Ireland, yea...just another week to go and i'll be there!!! YUN im coming!!!

Friday 1 August 2008

jus luv Nottingham!

As you've seen from the title, yea im now in nott already!! its been one week and i cant belieave that im coping so fast and so so well than i've never expected! its actually a really nice place here in nott, as for now i meant, beacuse the weather is just nice for the human being to stay and the one thing that i must mention here is that i've met quite alot of really really super duple nice people within this week! and I realised that British is probably one of the most polite race in the world, erm...yea maybe Japanese is top in the list but British is definitely not far away from Japanese. They just love to say "thank you"...and even the public transport bus drivers also play their role in a very professional way, kept greeting "byebye goodluck thankyou x100" when you are getting down the bus and never get bored of saying that! I guess maybe i grew up in the kind of environment that the government does not really emphasise on the practice of good morality and ethics but instead they think that getting an A in pendidikan moral is more important...and so im now learning to be more polite in this brandly new environment, its really a lecture of life...

For the 1st 3 days, I've already explored to many places around Nottingham. It aint that big after all, just a few sites in the cities to be visited, we've seen the statue of Robin Hood and the Nottingham Castle, its really nothing great, but it worth a go if you are new in nott...just like me, LOL. Shopping is one of the nicest activities now because its now summer sales and I've bought my hand bag and wind breaker in the victoria centre with a super cheap price! Broadmarsh centre is a lower class shopping mall (but, victoria aint that highclass anyway...not as nice as Malaysia one) which you can find 99pence or 1pound shops! Dunkirk-the place that im currently staying now is really far from the place to shop for groceries, walking to Beeston for 20minutes is ok but when you are going back while carrying bags n bags of groceries, aha! u'll know how it feels when u try to walk back to Dunkirk. the only way to reduce the burden is probably taking Rainbow 5 which charge you 1.50pounds once onboard, not economic at all! im feeling lucky that im going to stay on campus when the term starts and Beeston is just 5/10 minutes walk from my accommodation hall, and all the bills like electricity, water, gas and internet are included in the rental which really worth the pay for sure. ^^

the old market square where i walk pass everyday to get de bus back 2dunkirk.

shopping at de city, its summer hot sales now!

tats de trent building of de university of nottingham

de nite of nottingham is when drinkers' life jus begun

i've uploaded more photos in my facebook. u might hav a visit if u r interested. ahaa...those are most importantly for my parents n relatives, and i beg u cant belieave that my dad is using facebook too, how modern-minded he is rite ^^

Friday 18 July 2008

I’m ready to go!!

Yes yes…I think I’m mentally and physically ready to go UK! I’ve got everything prepared and I’ve done everything I wish to do before I go…but only one last thing, I haven’t cried yet. Yea, that’s the last thing that I will do before walking into the departure gate waving to my beloved family or even after stepping out from my home in Penang…ish, I know I can’t control my tears, as always…hmmm…what to do, just cry la don care even I will look stupid in front of them…

All these while, I’ve been trying to make the best of everyday, been trying to make use of the remaining time I have before leaving. I took every moment so preciously as if it’s the very last time I would do it…Yeee…how come it sounds like I’m not coming back anymore, indeed I’m really not coming for 2 years…I mean TWO years!! OMG…I just plan to do that but I don’t know whether I can do it…I think I’ll miss home till sick…choy choy choy!!

What I have done during this summer break is actually nothing special but being a little good girl in the house has made me feeling so so good. It was like long long time ago when I was always in the house helping mum with the house works, helping dad with his bakery, doing my homework on time…oh, that was nearly 10 years ago when I was a primary school kid…time flies wei >_< st="on">UK!

And then, yea I went Sarawak with my ex-housemate/future housemate (hah, we plan to stay together in the forth year in our targeted backyard dream house, don’t we?). It was definitely a memorable one especially the night stays at the Iban long house in Kuching Cultural Village and so coincident that it will be the venue of the world musical festival that Denise is visiting in this July!! One thing that I must mention in this trip is that my beloved friends (hmm, how could I forget to shout out loud their names here, they are all poppies wei ^_^ so proudly present DIANA SONG, PEK SAN, CHIEN HUI, YOKE KIM!!!) they gave a real surprise when they visited my partially home town (Penang la I mean, and you know why it is partial) They presented me a big box of pressie with 21 gifts contained inside and it was 99% HELLO KITTY’s items…*big eyes* I suspected that they could be among the members of the secret agent la, how could they manage to cover up everything until they came to Penang?! How did they do it?!! It’s so amazing yet touching!! And Chien has to bear with the checking of the immigration clearance officer for hand-carrying iron made products such as HELLO KITTY’s nail cutter…ahaha pls bear with me for typing HELLO KITTY in capital letters. Thanks and sorry to Chien for having to suffer (or enjoy >_<) the “merabah-rabah” treatment. Don’t you ter-LOL …aha, my vocabulary has gradually improved because of you guys!

the Titto Trip Part II's itinerary designed by me!!

the housemates n the surprising box from them.

the view of Sibu Town with sungai Rajang.

the Hee garden at Sibu aka Diana's home town.

the skull was hung on the....silling!

The stage of the World Musical Festival was just right in front of our window!

Traditional dance by Orang Ulu in the cultural village.

The South China Sea!! x3

Kuching the cat town.

Tr. Maling's Long house where we tasted yummy Tuak (rice wine).

the back of Diana's daddy- the great tour guide of our trip.

hmm...sorry I dont have the patience to post up all the photos especially those nice sarawak's foods that we've tried. the one person that really contributed alot in this trip is Diana's great daddy who brought us around makan main dan minum not even in Sibu but also Kuching where he purposely took a flight to there to meet us and treat us with five stars VIP services...m so touched! Thank You Uncle! oh yea, and I got to practise my hokkien with him throughout the trip, haha.

After the sarawak trip, it was followed by Penang trip where I was the unofficial tour guide. Hopefully they were not bored by me for all the activities that I've arranged, aha. However, I've got to practise as a tour guide in Penang for the 2nd time when my friends POH LING and PEI YEE visited me right after the first batch gone. We went to exactly the same places, imagine me having to visit the same places (eh Ling, we actually went to more places) and eat the same foods within one week n giving the same tour briefing...ahaha...but to the different people la. so that was the fun part for being the tour guide as you are getting familiar with the introduction, LOL.
Ling n Yee at Khoo Kongsi.

Beach walk...isnt it romantic if u r wif someone special?

Francis Light's statue inside Fort Conwallis.

Lov this one!! by LING

arr...again im lazy to post up so many nice photos taken by Ling. I wish they enjoy the trip too. Oh yea, I remembered I told Yee that Penangites were trying very hard hoping that Penang can be listed into the world heritage by UNESCO, they have been kept trying the application for 10 years...and I was moaning to her about this sad things during the heritage walk. MANATAU, jus few weeks after that, Penang has finally n officially a WORLD HERITAGE announced by the UNESCO!!! m so touched n proud eventhou im not a pure least or hopefully the economy of the tourism industry will be getting better n better in penang.

Penang is a world heritage! so im ready to go on...ahaha. non-sense...

Hmm...actually more and more gatherings would just only accumulate my reluctancy...yamcha taihey chiongK (cantonese) just make me feel like I want it more here...but I know I can just only get it here...those activities are so pricy in the UK, once in a while can la...but not every weekend anymore >_<

HAIHZ (sigh...) for the last time, so now Siu Sien is ready to face the new life, new people, new challenge! wish me luck pls...LOL